Jim Morrison: A door yet and still open!

A year of the 40th anniversary of The Doors’ arrival on the rock scene and another one of the birth of Jim Morrison, the rock poet –whose decadent existence led his persona to grave. Suddenly flashing memories came about paying my respects to him at his shrine –into what turned his burial plot. The day before I rushed to cemetery –jumping onto the train to Pére Lachaise station; but this was already closed when I arrived there. Obviously I was late. My friend with whom I went did not understand the reason for which I took him there, and even more when we bumped into a shopkeeper who was Arab -the same nationality as my mate who was asked by him the why we wasted time coming over an addicted’s grave (both of them didn’t know that “the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”). So, the following morning I woke up early to head for Pére Lachaise –before going on touring by Paris with my friend. And this time I went on my own. I came into the cemetery through a side-door, and I ...