Open-Mindedness: A World In A Grain Of Sand?
If you run across people who complain about their situation, your mind should think about the tools that they have at hand to turn their own life into what they desire. If they disregard them, it is because they can't see what they have. But if you go through a particular life and situation, you will find that what holds back a person is fear. Therefore, everybody shuns risk because their minds are not open to see beyond present time nor is there a way to change his reality. So, when you assay others and wonder about their conditions, just weigh them against their capacity and eventually their open-mindedness, and, in this way, you will find the reasons for their condition.
Unfortunately spirituality works on the same terms. Not by praying or self-denial you can make your spiritual quantum jump, but by being open-minded to embrace concepts –not understandable by many people who inhabit Earth- that shatter all the known credence about God and man and, above all, the reason for which you are on this planet -or dimension to name it in spiritual terms.
Open-mindedness is the key for any kind of evolution, whether it is just being this terrene or a spiritual level. Inside you lay all the elements to materialize all that you want, just as those masters who went through this level did in hours, days or years. They achieved this with the belief that anything that they had asked for would be granted by the Supreme Being, and it was so when their minds weren't an obstacle to working miracles.
To discover yourself, you have to unlock the bar on your mind. And to see what you are, you have to experience what is not similar to what God does every day. It is complex but with open-mindedness you might comprehend this.